Nov 11, 2016 | Personal Blog
Well. When last I left my blog, I was bouncing in my office chair, gushing about Sam’s first vote and the joy of witnessing kindness at the polls. My spirit was buoyed by white shirts and pantsuits, I Voted stickers and a Facebook feed full of post-voting...
Nov 8, 2016 | Personal Blog
I expected a nervous dread this morning. Yet here I sit in my office at work an hour early, bouncing in my chair, (no, it’s not just because of the tall latte I slurped down,) feeling something like JOY. Really? Joy, in the last dying gasps of the most soul...
Sep 27, 2016 | Personal Blog
Have you found yourself making faces like these two lately? I ‘m afraid I have. Plus my left eye started twitching wildly around 9 pm last night, so if you see me, don’t assume I’m flirting with you. (Though who could blame me, as fine as you are?!)...