Don’t Worry. God’s in Control. Right?

Don’t Worry. God’s in Control. Right?

Don’t worry. No matter what happens, God is in control. With the coming election, I’ve heard that a lot. I hear it…and I want to say yes.I want to say God is in control. Of course I want to say it. I’ve loved God and believed in God all my life, with my whole heart....
Miss Betsy and the Rope

Miss Betsy and the Rope

Miss Betsy’s* house is my last stop on my Meals on Wheels route, so I can stay and chat without needing to rush. She’s always in the mood to talk, whether I find her sitting on her porch with a book or she meets me at the door, gripping her walker on wheels. First, I...
Super Powers, Tub-side

Super Powers, Tub-side

Did you know that when kids are about to turn four, they get amazing powers? Daniel can hear the ocean from his chip bowl, turn his jammies into daywear (because it’s the weekend,) and fight off sleep with questions like Why do everybody have hair and a head?...
Dead Pony…And Other Weird Games Kids Play

Dead Pony…And Other Weird Games Kids Play

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen kids play? Or played yourself, maybe? I collect weird play stories, so I’d love to hear! Really, tell me! It’d make my day. I just love thinking about how kids work out their fears and curiosity in play....