Knowing Jesus in a New Way 1: Known in Absence

Welcome to Knowing Jesus in a New Way 1: Known in Absence. This week’s story always gives me goosebumps-especially the moment when Jesus calls Mary’s name and she recognizes him. It’s hard to think of a story that would be more full of suspense and fear and joy, and...
Trust What You Know Is True

Trust What You Know Is True

This children’s sermon was given to our livestream congregation during the coronavirus pandemic April 19, 2020.  Good morning, girls and boys! How are you doing? I sure miss you. I brought the tile we were going to share in Sunday school this week. I bet you...

Knowing Jesus in a New Way 1: Known in Absence

Welcome to Knowing Jesus in a New Way 1: Known in Absence, our lesson for April 28. This week’s story always gives me goosebumps-especially the moment when Jesus calls Mary’s name and she recognizes him. It’s hard to think of a story that would be more full of...