Sep 12, 2022 | Godly Play Lessons
Welcome to The Story of Moses, found in Exodus 1:8-17:7, 19:1- 40:38. The script is adapted from the story found in the pink Enrichment Presentations for Fall book, p.58-65. Sunday school teachers, I will emailed you a copy of the adapted script. If you’d like a copy...
Jun 13, 2022 | Godly Play Lessons
Welcome to the story of Paul’s Discovery. Before we dive into a series of Jesus’ parables this summer, we have one more Sunday to continue our previous timeline: Jesus has been crucified, then resurrected. Jesus spent 40 days appearing to his disciples and letting...
Sep 14, 2020 | Godly Play Lessons
Welcome to our lesson for September 20, The Story of Moses, found in Exodus 1:8-17:7, 19:1- 40:38. The script is adapted from the story found in the pink Enrichment Presentations for Fall book, p.58-65. Sunday school teachers, I will emailed you a copy of the adapted...