This children’s sermon was given January 10, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by children in the sanctuary. I’m posting it here in hopes that it can be helpful to someone.
Good morning girls and boys. I’m so glad you’re here with us today. Did you notice where I’m sitting? That’s right. This is the baptistry. We haven’t seen anyone be baptized in nearly a year, have we, as we’re all home staying safe. Today, I wanted to talk to you a little about baptism, because today is Baptism of our Lord Sunday, the day we remember when Jesus was baptized.
I bet you remember that story. John the Baptist was baptizing people in a river, helping them think about how they wanted to change their lives, dipping them back into the water to help them imagine God washing all those mistakes away. And then Jesus came, and asked John to baptize him. Do you remember what happened next? The spirit of God came down like a dove, and a voice said, “This is my son —I’m so pleased with him.”
I wonder what you think about being baptized, yourself. Have you started thinking about that yet? Pastor Jim often mentions it when he dedicates babies to God. That we hope one day, when you’re ready, that we’ll fill this baptistry with water for you. No one’s rushing you. You get to choose. When you’re ready to say yes, I want to follow Jesus and serve God all my life long, that’s how you’ll know that it’s time. And on your baptism day, you’ll walk into the baptistry in your bare feet and a white robe, and show God and your church family that that’s what you’ve decided about your life. You can do it at any age, whether you’re 9 or 90.
We baptize people in the name of the Creator God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When we think about the creator God, we can imagine the God who made our world and makes us new every day. The Creator washes our mistakes away, and will walk through life with us. The Son, Jesus, is the one who saves us in so many ways, teaching us how to love, and helping us to be close to God forever. The son washes our mistakes away and will walk through our lives with us. The Holy Spirit, comforts us and helps us understand and do what’s right. The Holy Spirit washes our mistakes away, and will walk through our lives with us.
I look forward to your baptism one day, if you haven’t already done it. I’d be glad to talk with you any time about it.
Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for Jesus and his way of always showing us – not just telling us- how to do beautiful things and serve You our whole lives long. We love you, God. Amen.