Welcome to our lesson for the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
What a wonderful story about what it means to be a neighbor and our responsibilities as followers of The Way to help those around us. If you’re at FBC Greenville, you might want to include time in your morning to go visit the Good Samaritan statue near the remembrance garden.
Here are some wondering questions. Thank you for writing down their responses.
Wondering Questions:
1. I wonder who is the neighbor to the person who was hurt, had everything taken from him, and was left by the side of the road half dead?
2. I wonder what would happen if the person finding the injured traveler were a child?
3. I wonder what it means to be a neighbor.
4. I wonder if you’ve ever had anyone be a neighbor to you like this Samaritan was to the hurt man.
5. I wonder if you’ve ever been the one who was the Good Samaritan?
Idea Sparkers for our Gift to God Time
Here are some ideas for the parable itself:
1. Make get well cards as a way to help others, like the Good Samaritan in the story
2. Act out the story.
3. Make a collage or drawing on who is our neighbor.
4. Make a collage or drawing on How I Can Be a Good Samaritan.
5. You could also go with the What Would Jesus Do theme. Make a bracelet with WWJD, or a mural of the story, or act out scenes of different conflicts and ask the question, “What would Jesus do?”
6. If you’ve visited the Good Samaritan statue, why not ask the children if they’d like to try to make their own with play dough or quick dry clay?
See more art response ideas at my Pinterest Page, here.
Thanks for all you do!