Welcome to the lesson of The Great Family, found in Genesis 12-15, 24. (Script is found in the yellow Fall book, p.57-64.)
Idea Starters for the Give a Gift to God Time:
1. Stars! Check out these GORGEOUS stars shown here, which would be easy for all ages to make. Children could write on the other side a Bible verse from this story, perhaps Genesis 15:5 “ See the many stars. There are so many you cannot count them. Your family will be like that.”
Or make a moon and star like this:
2. The beginnings of the great family: make Sarah and Abraham and Isaac out of play clay or clothespins. Or make finger puppets of the family. (Plenty -hundreds- of clothespins are in the art resource room in a cardboard box.
3. Each child individually- or all children together- could make a drawing of their part of the great family– their birth family and church family, all on one piece of butcher paper.
4.Sand drawings or sand art – to remember the desert in the story. Make a simple drawing- or the child’s name written in cursive- and cover the lines with glue, (I have new glue bottles in my office) then sift colored sand over the glue. The glue will stick to the sand. Children could also include names of others in their family.
5. Act out the story: Abram and Sarai walking toward Haran, sleeping in their tent, walking along the Euphrates, Abram being with God and knowing God wanted them to move on, Abram building an altar in Shechem and then in Bethel and Hebron, God’s promise to Abram, Sarah hearing she would have a son and laughing, Isaac and Rebekah.
6. Make a door hanger to commemorate Abram and Sarai’s willingness to go where God led them. You could use 1 John 5:3: This Is Love for God:to Obey His Commands.
7. Let children who wish to make a map of the area of the story.
For more art response ideas, see my Pinterest page, here.