Oct 25, 2021 | Godly Play Lessons
Welcome to the Godly Play story The Ark and the Temple, found in The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 2. (The orange book.) For a girl who could spend days moving furniture and little people around a dollhouse, I simply adore this lesson! I also love it because it...
Mar 2, 2020 | Godly Play Lessons
Welcome to Faces of Easter II: Jesus Is Lost and Found, our lesson for March 8. This week we remember and celebrate the phase of Jesus’ life when he was a boy by telling the story from Luke 2: 39-52. In this story, Jesus is found in the temple after the Passover...
Mar 11, 2019 | Godly Play Lessons
Welcome to Faces of Easter II: Jesus Is Lost and Found, our lesson for March 17. This week we remember and celebrate the phase of Jesus’ life when he was a boy by telling the story from Luke 2: 39-52. In this story, Jesus is found in the temple after the Passover...