Mar 25, 2019 | Personal Blog
Do you know this chair? You may recognize it as Van Gogh’s, a chair with his pipe and tobacco on the seat, his distinctive signature on the box behind it. But when I look at it, I see a love story- for him and for me! Well that’s dramatic, Becky. It is!...
Aug 1, 2018 | Children's Sermon
When I learned that our Sunday sermon was going to be about grace I remembered this book and used it during our children’s sermon. Several years later, our sports loving kids are still picking it up from the display case in our children’s gathering room....
Nov 23, 2016 | Personal Blog
I like to think that I’m a pretty patient mama. Or maybe after launching two grown children into the world (yes, I know one is still in my basement) I’m too worn down and tired to put up much of a fuss about anything. So why was my eighteen year old son...
Jan 15, 2016 | Personal Blog
Allow me to introduce you to the clay pot I keep on my desk at home. I made it in second grade and when it speaks to me, I listen because it has important things to say. It reminds me about secrets and perfectionism and shame. Are you a perfectionist? It’s one of...
Nov 30, 2015 | Personal Blog
Our children decorated white gift bags for our senior adults during Sunday school on Sunday and amid all the drawings of wreaths and Christmas trees and holy babies in mangers, there was this one. I’M IN LOVE WITH IT. Maybe the child chose a bright blue marker because...