Dec 7, 2016 | Personal Blog
I don’t usually dance on Monday mornings at 8:51 am. I’m more apt to be found hiding in my office, downing a second cup of coffee, printing off my To Do list for the week. But when I heard my friend, Bootie, playing Jingle Bells on guitar...
Nov 11, 2016 | Personal Blog
Well. When last I left my blog, I was bouncing in my office chair, gushing about Sam’s first vote and the joy of witnessing kindness at the polls. My spirit was buoyed by white shirts and pantsuits, I Voted stickers and a Facebook feed full of post-voting...
Oct 12, 2016 | Personal Blog
What happens to little girls as they grow up? Or maybe I should ask what happened to me? The latest news of a candidate’s leaked video/misogyny-on-display figuratively strapped a headlamp on my head and sent me deep into the crevasses of the fifty-two years of...