Apr 5, 2019 | Personal Blog
I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Or maybe I did. Either way, my Nosey Nancy self got herself a gift last week on vacation and my brain is still turning it over, examining it, chuckling over the wonder of it, and rationalizing my habit of bumping into things because I...
Mar 25, 2019 | Personal Blog
Do you know this chair? You may recognize it as Van Gogh’s, a chair with his pipe and tobacco on the seat, his distinctive signature on the box behind it. But when I look at it, I see a love story- for him and for me! Well that’s dramatic, Becky. It is!...
Feb 1, 2019 | Personal Blog
Meet my old friend Marianne. I found her at a flea market back when we lived in France and named her Marianne, after the beautiful woman you see all over France- on French stamps and as busts in town halls, reminding everyone of liberty and equality and fraternity. I...
Oct 14, 2016 | Personal Blog
It’s a good thing that this pig in a dress was wearing her tiara this week. It might not have been obvious to the plaster swine by the door or to the real live people sitting at stools, enjoying barbecue sandwiches and ribs and banana pudding, but something...
May 31, 2010 | Personal Blog
Flickr photo by mcmrbt, creative commons As I remember it, she was around 19 or 20, about my age at the time, and as she led us through the military cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, France, past the thousands of crosses to my grandfather’s grave, I sort of wished...