Oct 30, 2018 | Personal Blog
Sometimes church makes us cry. It did for Sadie (not her real name) on Sunday. The kids had finished their doughnuts and fellowship time when it happened (which means they had played air hockey and drew with markers and looked at books and begged me at least thirteen...
Jul 20, 2018 | Personal Blog
I have to admit that I haven’t always been crazy about cheerleaders. It’s probably because the only attention I’ve ever gotten in a gym is when I was passing through on my way to the library and a random volleyball hit me in the head. But I’ve...
Aug 12, 2016 | Personal Blog
This may look like a cute baby, but it’s really a baby representing all babies of the world, giving a face palm for the babies and children of the 1970’s and 1980’s for what I found yesterday and can’t get out of my head. Oh y’all....