Jun 12, 2018 | Personal Blog
Who doesn’t like to discover buried treasure? Or maybe treasure chucked over the fence and lying out in the open because the park we wanted to “bury” it in was locked shut for the night? If you’re a kid moseying around any of three city...
Mar 22, 2017 | Personal Blog
My friend Tigist is a smart young lady- and a natural philosopher. She may be a third grader, but when I read the words in the artwork she gave me, she speaks with the voice of someone who’s been around the block a few times. A grandma, maybe, who understands...
Oct 5, 2016 | Personal Blog
Early Sunday night at the labyrinth, the dogs filed in, from frisky little fur balls to big lumbering black carpets, all wagging and sniffing and licking as their happy people introduced them to their friends, fed them treats, and found seats for the service. Cats...