Dec 7, 2020 | Children's Sermon
This children’s sermon was given December 6, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by children in the sanctuary. I’m posting it here in hopes that it can be helpful to someone. Good morning, girls and boys. I have a question for you...
Dec 23, 2019 | Children's Sermon
This children’s sermon was written for the morning worship service on December 22, 2019, to accompany a sermon based on Luke 2: 8-20, about how God works in the quiet moments of our lives. Good morning girls and boys. I brought a book to share with you...
Dec 16, 2019 | Children's Sermon
This children’s sermon was written to accompany a sermon December 15, 2019, based on the scripture of Luke 1:26-38, about the surprising way God worked outside of the church in the life of Mary- and in our lives as well. Good morning, girls and boys. Do you...
Dec 2, 2019 | Godly Play Lessons
Welcome to the celebration of the Second Sunday of Advent, this Sunday, Dec 8. This Sunday we move to the second card in the Advent Godly Play series, focusing on Mary and Joseph’s journey (don’t forget the donkey!) to Bethlehem. There are several themes to explore...
Dec 21, 2018 | Personal Blog
I probably shouldn’t admit this, but lately I live for the moment each day when I turn down my street and see my neighbor’s inflatable Santa face down in the grass, his pack crumpled as if he’s been robbed, his legs twisted as if a rogue reindeer...