This children’s sermon was given March 29, 2020, to our congregation through livestream, since we were in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.
Good morning girls and boys. How are you doing today? I miss seeing your faces
and listening to you talk. You always have such interesting things to tell me, and
such good ideas about God.
I wanted to show you the tile we were going to share in Sunday school this
morning, as we celebrate Jesus’ life while we’re getting closer to Easter. Someone
who saw it the first time said to me, “Oh, that looks like it hurts! One person is
putting his thumbs in the other person’s eyes.” Do you remember what is
happening? Jesus is healing this man’s eyes. He’s coming close to him and being a
friend to him. This story reminds us that God wants to be close to us and wants us
to be well. (God would never do things to hurt us, no matter what.) That Jesus
had the power to heal people’s bodies and hearts, and that’s what we are to do
with others as much as we can: give ourselves to each other, remembering we all
belong to each other.
But how do we do that now, when we can’t be close to each other? How do we
share God’s love far apart? How do we be friends to each other when we can’t
even be together? How are you doing that?
I knew you would have good ideas about this, so I looked at Facebook and
Instagram where your families sometimes share things you’re doing. I want to
share some of the things I found.
Miller, talking with someone she loves.
Caroline, trading pictures with a 3 year old neighbor.
Erik, helping his mom make masks.
Lucy and Celie Ann decorating their sidewalk for their neighbors to enjoy.
Tigist and Peter making cards for older home bound friends.
Brynn, making beautiful art for her neighbors.
All of these things heal each other’s hearts! I bet God is so proud of the kind of
friends you are! I know I am!
Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for Jesus who taught us how to love each other.
Thank you for our friends. Help us to continue to find creative ways to show love-
your love- to each other. We love you, God. Amen.