This children’s sermon was written to accompany a sermon on Epiphany- and to welcome the 4’s and 5’s into worship for the first time.
Good morning girls and boys. Today is the first official day that our fours and fives join us in worship! Welcome! We are excited that you are here- and that you came up for the children’s sermon! If you’ve never been up here, this is where we sit and have a time especially made for kids.
Sometimes I’ll be here to talk with you- I’m Miss Becky- I’m the children’s minister, and sometimes other ministers will be here. It’s a very holy time to help us get close to God, like all of worship is. Sometimes ministers will have something to show you and sometimes we’ll just talk. We might ask you questions because we know you are very close to God too, but you don’t have to answer unless you want to.
Today I have something to show you. It’s a star. Do you know why I brought a star today?
Yes, it’s because we’re thinking about the part of the Christmas story when people from afar saw a star and followed it, and they found who? Jesus! Yes, they got close to Jesus. And we’re still trying to come close to Jesus, to know God. That’s what we do here in worship.
What do we do in this room to help us get close to God?
(Singing, prayers, a sermon, Bible verses, etc)
Yes. God comes into our hearts here through all of those ways. And then God goes with us as we go.
For our fours and fives, when the children’s sermon is over, God will go with you to children’s church. And God stays here too! That’s one of the cool things about God. God can be in different places at the same time!
To help us remember, we’re going to do something new. Each Sunday at the end of every children’s sermon, after we pray, the 4s and 5s will say to the church, “God be with you here.” Our Congregation will say, “God be with you there.” (Practice.)
Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for our new friends in worship. And thank you that you can be in so many places at once. We love you, God. Amen.
God be with you here. God be with you there.