This children’s sermon was written to accompany a sermon based on Philippians 4:10-20.

Good morning, girls and boys! This week I met someone new. Do you know Amos McGee? Maybe you remember this book from when you were little. It’s written by Philip C. Stead and we have it in the media center. Every morning Amos McGee goes to his job at the city zoo…

(Begin reading the book. Read it completely or summarize it, depending on your time limitations.)

I wonder if you noticed that this book goes well with the scripture we read today. Did you pay attention to the scripture while it was read a few moments ago? Let me reread some of it, and as you hear it, listen for anything that might remind you of Amos and his friends at the zoo.

“God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. I’m glad in God…happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don’t mean that your help didn’t mean a lot to me- it did. It was a beautiful thing: that you came alongside me in my troubles.”

I wonder how this scripture reminds you of Amos McGee and his friends. (Allow children to respond.)

Did Amos and the animals enjoy the good things about each other? Did they focus on the good things they could do for each other? Did God help them work together? Did they come alongside each other in their troubles? And in the Bible story we heard in Sunday school today, who came alongside whom, for help?

It seems to me that this is exactly the generous kind of love God shows us– and wants us to show for each other.

Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for friendship. Than you for reminders about how you love us and want us to love and care for each other. We love you, God. Amen.