This Children’s sermon was given June 28, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic. I’m sharing it here in case it’s useful to someone.

Good morning, girls and boys. How are you doing today?

As I was getting ready to talk with you today, I read the scripture that is coming up in this service, and it made me smile, because it’s the one we often memorize in Missions Week during June. Jesus is getting ready to send his disciples on their work- kind of like a mission trip-and this is what he says:

“Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me”—which is God, right?

So when you try to do God’s work- helping others- people see Christ in you!

We’re not able to do our Mission work like we usually do, are we? But I have pictures from last year:

Look at Christ’s face here:               And here:                  And here!  (Show photos of kids doing God’s work with helping organizations.)

We can’t do Missions Blast. But does that mean we can’t do God’s work at all? That others won’t see Christ in us this summer? No, I know you and I know you’re still doing God’s work- and so is the rest of church family.

  • Still collecting fruit on Wednesdays from 10-6
  • Earlier this month you donated books to Greenville Literary Association
  • Even though we can’t host homeless families here at church, we still can host them. People contributed money to pay for them to stay in hotels, and to pay for food and activities- and wrote notes to welcome them.

Many more things are going on through church, but is that the only way we serve God?  No. You’re doing God’s work in your own family, which is just as important, helping your family team, being Christ to each other in the way that you love each other and share the work that comes with living together.

When times are weird or hard and when times are good, life is full of opportunities to serve each other and let others see Christ in us. I’m so glad about that.

Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for the chances we have to love each other like Jesus loves. Help us be the people you want us to be, so that others see Jesus in us. We love you, God. Amen