Children’s Sermons
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Welcome to my children’s sermon page!
I’m glad you’re here.
This is where I share some of the children’s sermons I’ve given. I hope you find it helpful. Feel free to use the search bar above to find children’s sermons by topic, scripture, or lectionary date.
Blessings to you in your work!
My Goal For a Children's Sermon
My goal for a children’s sermon is to help children connect more deeply to God during the worship service, either by focusing on the scripture, the sermon theme, or other acts of worship (baptism, communion, hymns, responsive readings or prayers). My favorite children’s sermons include storytelling. Sometimes this means that I share the scripture of the day in language that children can understand. Other times it means that I share a book or spoken story with a similar theme. My hope is that the children’s sermon flows with the rest of the service and speaks to the heart of children and to the child within us all.
I am not a fan of object lessons or magic tricks or other gimmicks because I find that while the gimmick or trick or object might be memorable and entertaining, children often don’t remember the spiritual truth behind it.
Practical Things to Know
You may want to know some practical things. At my church, the children’s sermon happens near the end of the first half of the service, before the choir anthem and the sermon. I try very hard to stay within a 3-6 minutes time period. This is difficult, especially when I want to ask the children questions. I like to ask questions when possible because the children’s answers are often so profound and meaningful.
I try to steer away from questions which might elicit “cute” answers. Our kids have so much more to offer the congregation than their cuteness!
One of my responsibilities that I take seriously is to teach adults to examine what the children say and search it for wisdom.
Helpful Resources
When I brainstorm on a children’s sermon there are three places I go.
- The first is to the office of whomever is preaching that worship service. If I know the general theme of the sermon, I can illustrate (and hopefully strengthen) that same theme in child friendly terms. I can also give the children hints at what to listen for during the sermon and the rest of the service.
- The second place I often go is to Carolyn Brown’s blog, Worshiping with Children. It’s a great site with all sorts of ideas for involving kids in worship.
- I also visit Storypath. Storypath, Connecting Children’s Literature with Our Faith Story, is a website offered by Union Presbyterian Seminary. It’s a terrific resource if you’re looking for a children’s book that might be just right to get kids thinking about a certain theme in scripture. You can search for books by theme, scripture, or by lectionary date.
A Directory of My Children's Sermons
Click HERE to find a listing of my Children’s Sermon topics, along with picture books I’ve used.
The Mirror of Erised–or Evolsdog…God’s Love!
Good morning girls and boys! I’m so glad you’re here with us this morning. I hope you’re having a fun summer. I am. We just...
Palm Sunday, the Beginning of a Story Week
This children's sermon was given virtually on Palm Sunday, 2021. Good morning girls and boys! I’m so glad you’re with us today....
Making the Impossible Possible
This children's sermon was given virtually for Annunciation Sunday, March 21, 2021. Good morning, girls and boys. I’m so glad...
A God Who Plays!
This children's sermon was given virtually March 7, to acccompany a sermon on the playful nature of God. Good morning girls and...
Are There Questions We Shouldn’t Ask God?
This Children's Sermon was given virtually Feb 21, 2021. The preaching pastor was preaching on Mark 8:27-33, when Jesus asks the...
Ash Wednesday Messes
This Children's Sermon was given virtually on Ash Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021, to help explain Ash Wednesday to children. Good...
Transforming Love and Transfiguration Sunday
This Children's Sermon was given virtually on Transfiguration Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021. Good morning, girls and boys. I’m so glad...
Perfectionism in Faith–Learning to Be Jesus-ish!
This children’s sermon was given January 31, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by children...
Holy Work for Helpers
This children’s sermon was given January 24, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by children...
What Are You Learning Lately?
This children’s sermon was given January 17, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by children...
Water for You
This children’s sermon was given January 10, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by children...
The Dedication of Jesus …and of You
This children’s sermon was given December 27, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by...
Great Joy!
This children’s sermon was given December 20, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by...
Something to Do While We’re Waiting
This children’s sermon was given December 6, during our global pandemic, so it was experienced virtually rather than by children...