This children’s sermon was written to accompany a sermon based on John 1:35-42, the story of the calling of Andrew and Simon Peter to be disciples. The preaching pastor asked that I give a children’s sermon about change as we follow God.
Good morning! Did you listen to today’s scripture? It’s the same Bible story the
1st -5th graders studied last Sunday, when Andrew and Simon Peter, the fishermen,
first met Jesus and made an important decision- What was it? To follow Jesus!
When I read the Bible story again this week, I thought of a picture book I love. I
thought I’d read the first part of the book, and I’d like for you to listen and see
why I think the two stories might go together. We’ll talk about it when I finish.
It’s Wherever You Go, by Pat Zietlow Miller.
(Read selected pages.)
What do you think this has to do with the Bible story?
(Our kids responded with so many great thoughts!)
Andrew and Simon Peter said yes to going on a journey following Jesus. They
didn’t know what to expect. There were detours- as he healed people and told
people stories about how to love each other and ate with people no one else
would come close to. They had choices to go or stay. They wished to be close to
him. They had moments they tripped and when they stood tall.
Every day we get to decide whether we’re going on this adventure too, trying our
best to follow Jesus. Are we going to treat each other like he told us? We’ll make
mistakes, and God knows that, but God is there to help us.
Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for giving us choices to change what we do or not,
and for staying close to us when it’s hard to follow. We love you, God. Amen.